Reasons agency owners don’t prospect

  • ”It’s early January and my prospects are busy”
  • ”We’re swamped with proposals and inbound opportunities”
  • ”Spring break is coming up”
  • ”The economy is down so no one is buying”
  • ”The economy is up and we’re busy”
  • ”There’s seasonality in my vertical and no one is buying”
  • ”We need to get ready for our quarterly offsite”
  • ”We need to configure our CRM”
  • ”We need to revamp our deck, portfolio, proposal, etc”
  • ”It’s summer, people might be on vacation”
  • ”So-and-so on our team is out of office”
  • ”Prospects are getting back from vacation and they’re busy”
  • ”We’re preparing for a trade show, conference, or event”
  • ”We’re recovering from a trade show, conference, or event”
  • ”We need to rebuild our website”
  • ”Thanksgiving is coming up”
  • ”We need to hire a salesperson”
  • ”The holidays are coming up…”

These are the top excuses we hear agency owners use to justify NOT doing outreach.

Let’s do some napkin math:

  1. Assume 200 working days per calendar year
  2. Let’s say there are 14 days lost on average per excuse (conservative estimate)

If you used every excuse throughout a year, you would lose more than 200 days – there would literally NEVER be a good time prospect!

But even if you made excuses like these just six times throughout a year, or roughly once every two months, which is pretty common in our experience, you would lose 84 days.

That means you will have lost almost half of the year, all while your prospects drift toward competitors or suboptimal decisions.

This is not a Gary Vee style demand to hustle harder and make cold calls on Christmas, at least not necessarily. But it’s worth asking, are your excuses justified or do they come from a place of fear?

If you wait for perfect conditions to engage your market you will be waiting for a long time…


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