Rachel Gertz on How to Train Effective Project Managers | The Digital Agency Growth Podcast
Rachel Gertz on How to Train Effective Project Managers
Alesia Galati
Rachel Gertz on How to Train Effective Project Managers
Alesia Galati

Project management ties into many different parts of running a business, such as sales, operations, pricing, capacity, and more. If a project is not clearly outlined or systematized, it can be problematic for everyone involved. It ends up taking more time than anticipated and costing revenue. This week, episode 153 of The Digital Agency Growth Podcast is about how to train effective project managers! 

Watch our new recorded video training: Relationship-Driven New Business At-Scale

In this episode of The Digital Agency Growth Podcast, Dan Englander and Rachel Gertz share the importance of project management in managing expectations for different teams. They also discuss actionable steps you can take right now toward democratic project management. 

In this episode, Dan and Rachel discuss the following:

  • The human element of project management that tends to be overlooked.
  • How to incentivize the best performance and retain employees longer.
  • The evolution of digital project management and what the future will hold.
  • Over-optimizing for one metric at the expense of another and how that can hurt us.
  • Bridging the gap to understanding the necessity of a project manager.

Don’t forget to listen in for Rachel’s live reactions and strategies for current project management issues Dan’s seeing right now.

Today’s Guest:

Rachel Gertz is CEO and Dig­i­tal PM Train­er at Loud­er Than Ten. She trains tech work­ers how to trans­form their com­pa­nies through demo­c­ra­t­ic project man­age­ment. Rachel helps com­pa­nies track project num­bers that real­ly mat­ter and how to turn blocks into oppor­tu­ni­ties to build strong rela­tion­ships with their teams, cus­tomers, and clients. Her mis­sion at Loud­er Than Ten is to give back pow­er to the peo­ple lead­ing their projects so they can end hustle culture.

Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to follow, rate and review the podcast and tell me your key takeaways!






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