Here are some of our favorite interviews!

How To Prevent A 2021 Accounting Mess At Your Agency (the PPP episode)
At this point you’re probably inundated with resources about PPP and the other stimulus packages; not to mention that by the time we go live

How To Open Doors With Cold Email (even when no one seems to be buying)
One of the bigger concepts I talked about in our recent Crisis Prospecting Video Training is cross-pollination. This is the idea of getting outside perspective

How to Scale Your Agency Safely with Karl Sakas
When is the right time to hire for big pivotal roles? If only there was a snappy answer. There are many variables: your growth level,

Confessions Of An Agency Search Consultant
Unlike being a lawyer, doctor, or engineer, there are few if any qualifications to run a marketing agency. As an agency owner, this means that

How to Sell Agency Services in Uncertain Times (without hurting your brand)
Last Thursday, April 2nd, we hosted a live webinar on the topic of effective prospecting during this crisis, and today’s episode is a standalone audio

How To Prepare Your Agency For The Rest of 2020
Hope you’re going strong in these interesting times. I’m writing this from the Northern Virginia/DC area where I’m self-quarantining with family after a somewhat harrowing