
Lead Generation Forecasting Crash Course


Ever wonder how many people you need to contact each day to achieve your monthly sales goals?

Lead generation, or prospecting, might seem daunting.  It involves reaching out to many strangers and convincing them to buy from you.  But not to worry!  You’ll make it approachable when you cut things down to specific daily goals.  Check the below worksheet and instructions to learn more.

Lead Gen. Goals Worksheet

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Video Instructions

Before you get started, take a moment to define the following:

1.  Monthly Sales Goal: make it ambitious but attainable.

2. Average Deal Size: if you don’t have this figure on hand, you can estimate for now.  Don’t worry if it’s not perfect.  You will calibrate things as you go along.

3.  Target Close Rate: the percentage of qualified prospects you would expect to win business with after you’ve landed an appointment with them.

If you’re having trouble coming up with this number, envision that for each day over the next hundred days, you’re magically granted a sales meeting with someone who is somewhat interested.  They have a budget, and they would want to get something done by the end of this year or sooner.  Each meeting is a good opportunity but it’s far from a done deal.  All things, being equal, how many of those people would you expect to close?  Take a stab at it (the figure doesn’t have to be perfect right now).

4.  Target Conversion Rate: the percentage of cold leads you expect to move into your pipeline every month.

For insight, imagine that over the course of a month, a lead generation experts reaches out to 50,000 qualified potential buyers on your behalf. The targets are equally spread across all your buyer groups. The expert’s goal is to win you appointments.  How many of the 50k would you expect to agree?  Use that figure to approximate your target conversion rate.


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