Leah Leaves on Building Stellar SOPs and Agency Growth Through Fractional Operations | The Digital Agency Growth Podcast
Leah Leaves on Building Stellar SOPs and Agency Growth Through Fractional Operations
Alesia Galati
Leah Leaves on Building Stellar SOPs and Agency Growth Through Fractional Operations
Alesia Galati

Setting a strong foundation for your agency’s operations is key to its success and growth. While operations feels like the last department a new small agency needs to consider, it becomes incredibly important once you have several employees. 

Outsourcing to operations professionals can be an excellent choice, especially those like Leah Leaves and her team at Alderaan, who embed themselves into the agencies they work with so they become team members, not just hired help. 

Leah is here this week to share what she’s learned about fractional operations for digital marketing agencies and how you can set an operational foundation for yourself. This week, episode 207 of The Digital Agency Growth Podcast is about building stellar SOPs and growing your agency through fractional operations!

Watch our Relationship-Driven New Business ​At-Scale video training to learn how we secure 5-20 weekly brand/agency relationships using a tasteful email outreach centered on commonalities.

“I firmly believe that you need to have that understanding of digital marketing and advertising best practices to be a fractional COO or a rational operations team member.”

Leah Leaves on The Digital Agency Growth Podcast Episode 207

In this episode of The Digital Agency Growth Podcast, Leah Leaves shares the importance of having a solid operations foundation for smaller agencies and actionable steps you can take right now to keep your agency from being brittle.

In this episode, Dan and Leah discuss the following:

  • Finding an integrator for your big ideas is crucial to the success of a small agency.
  • EOS, Scaling Up, and other ‘business religions’.
  • The importance of fractional operations taking a hands-on, personalized approach.
  • Creating robust SOPs to strengthen your agency from the ground up.

Today’s Guest:

Leah Leaves is the Founder of Alderaan Business Solutions, which offers outsourced operations professionals for remote digital marketing agencies.  We help small digital marketing agency owners avoid burnout, enjoy crazy-good profits, and get back to spending time with their kids by building their business foundation and getting them out of their company’s daily business operations.

Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to follow, rate and review the podcast and tell me your key takeaways!

Learn more about The Digitial Agency Growth Podcast at https://salesschema.com/podcast/ and our Video training at https://salesschema.com/relationships 



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