Does your agency have a Wikipedia blind spot?
Dan Englander
Does your agency have a Wikipedia blind spot?
Dan Englander

Your number one job is to ensure your clients look good. But are you closely monitoring all of their digital platforms? Consider the world’s largest online encyclopedia — Wikipedia. Left unattended, your client’s Wikipedia page could be the match that ignites a PR disaster.  OR it could be a valuable asset, as your client’s near-official public record.

Today’s guest is an expert at navigating Wikipedia: how it’s is being governed, the extent of their monitoring, and how to crisis-proof this public record. 

William Beutler is the Founder and President of Beutler Ink, a digital agency that helps brands build audiences and engagement, generate leads and revenue, and secure their reputations. 

What You Will Learn: 

  • When is the right time to think about Wikipedia.  
  • Maximizing content and quality on your client’s Wikipedia platform. 
  • Changing info on Wikipedia is harder than you think — here’s what to do about it. 
  • Best practices for monitoring your agencies’ pages. 
  • Making WikiWatch work for you. 
  • How to avoid fueling a communication crisis with a neglected Wikipedia page.
  • Branding trends agencies need to pay attention to. 



Beutler Ink

William Beutler on Twitter

Wikipedia Notability


“If anything, the bar to get a Wikipedia page has risen over recent years.” — William Beutler

“Wikipedia is open to anyone to get involved, you just have to learn how they do things and be willing to play on their field.” — William Beutler

“A Wikipedia page can be real, real quiet, until it’s a disaster.  There’s a crisis communication element to it.” — William Beutler


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