Corey Quinn on How to Build Your Agency’s Vertical Go-To Marketing Strategy
Corey Quinn on How to Build Your Agency’s Vertical Go-To Market Strategy
Alesia Galati
Corey Quinn on How to Build Your Agency’s Vertical Go-To Market Strategy
Alesia Galati

Specializing and niching down are topics we talk about a lot on the show simply because of their importance and effectiveness in scaling your agency. Hand-in-hand with specializing is scaling based on expertise in your niche instead of relying on founder-driven sales to keep the pipeline full.

Friend of the show, Corey Quinn, is back this week to talk about his upcoming book, Anyone, Not Everyone, in which he teaches you his approach to escape founder-led sales and much more! This week, episode 209 of The Digital Agency Growth Podcast is about how to build your agency’s vertical go-to market strategy!

Watch our Relationship-Driven New Business ​At-Scale video training to learn how we secure 5-20 weekly brand/agency relationships using a tasteful email outreach centered on commonalities.

“Deep specialization is a combination of three things: having a focus, having a strategy, and truly caring for your clients.”

Corey Quinn on The Digital Agency Growth Podcast Episode 209

In this episode of The Digital Agency Growth Podcast, Corey Quinn shares the importance of specialization for your agency and actionable steps you can take right now to build new sales strategies that don’t involve founder-driven sales. 

In this episode, Dan and Corey discuss the following:

  • The difference between niching and deep specialization.
  • Why specialization is even more critical in a down economy.
  • Gifting as a unique outbound sales strategy.
  • Seeking growth through specialized expertise, not founder-driven sales.

Don’t forget to check out Corey’s daily newsletter, Deep Specialization Daily, and sign up for information on when his new book, Anyone, Not Everyone: A Proven System to Escape Founder-Led Sales is released!

Today’s Guest:

Corey has a 25-year record of extraordinary success as an entrepreneur, sales leader, and marketing executive. His most recent in-house role was Scorpion’s Chief Marketing Officer. While there, the SMB-focused agency grew from $20M to $150M in recurring revenue in under seven years. Today, he’s a coach and the author of Anyone, Not Everyone, a book that helps agency founders escape founder-led sales by specializing in a vertical market. 

Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to follow, rate and review the podcast and tell me your key takeaways!

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The Vertical Go-To-Market Podcast





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