
B2B Sales Resources.

Lead Generation Tools

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Lead Generation Goals Worksheet (everything opens in new window)

Want to demolish your long-term sales targets?  Start with this worksheet.  Plug in some basic details and figure out how many cold leads you must contact each day in order to achieve your goals.  For more details on using this tool, check out our Lead Generation Forecasting Crash Course.

Lead Generation Goals Worksheet

Target List
This is a simple and straightforward way to keep track of your cold leads.  Also, it contains a template for your prospect profiles.  You should create profiles so you can identify and familiarize yourself with your target buyers.

target list blueprint

Email Permutator (courtesy of Distilled.net)
A big thanks to Rob Ousbey of Distiled.net for this one.  The permutator will help you find almost any email address.  First, you plug in your target’s name and domain to get common permutations (ie. “dan@salesschema.com, dan.englander@saleschema.com, denglander@salesschema.com”).  From there, load up Rapportive–>In your email, put each permutation into your “To” field–>Scroll over each name.  The address that populates an identity in Rapportive is your winner.

email perumator via Distilled.net

via Distilled.net

This is a new email research tool.  I like it because it’s stripped down and simple, which is a refreshing break from the usual junked up research products.  After all, you probably just need an email, not a TS background check!

voilanorbert screenshot

YesWare for Email Tracking
There are lots of tracking services out there, and YesWare is winning for a reason.  It links up seamlessly with Gmail and now Outlook.  It’s clean, it has a great structure for storing and A/B testing templates, and most importantly, it will let you connect with context.  It’s time to stop sending emails when your prospects are swamped or driving home from work.  Send follow-ups that resonate by re-connecting when your prospect is on your site or reading your emails.

Yesware homepage

Lead Gen. Freelancer Blueprint
Do you want to replicate and multiply your lead generation results?  Then it’s time to get some help!  The Lead Gen. Freelancer Blueprint is a 5-week framework for getting everything off your plate.  It’s a set of directions that you can give directly to your outsourced freelancers.  Simply fill in the highlighted areas, give the document to your team, and use it to guide your lead gen. outsourcing process.

Lead Generation Freelancer Blueprint

Sales Tools

Conversation Blueprint
The Convo. Blueprint is a script and more…

The highest sales performers are planned and organized.  Their most important tool is their script.  When you “hear” script, you might cringe, and think of an overly-rehearsed, fake-sounding sales presentation.  On the contrary, your script will increase your flexibility.  It will make sure you achieve all your goals during each and every call or meeting.  This means winning more follow-up appointments and closing more deals.

To get started with the Blueprint, fill in each area in the first half of the document.  For inspiration, check out the sample version in the second half.

conversation blueprint

Competitive Assessment Chart
You’ll provide this tool to your prospects and/or customers.  You’ll use it to be a helpful consultant.  It will aid your prospect in their decision-making process by letting them plug in a rating for different aspects of you and your competitors’ offerings, producing a definitive score for each player.

But there’s a hidden benefit for you: you’ll set the chart up strategically to accentuate your strengths and take your weaknesses out of the conversation.  By doing this, you can introduce new considerations and sway the decision in your favor.  Are you a quality provider with a high price?  Then make the chart all about quality and take money out of the equation.  Are you a value provider?  Then do the opposite.

competitive assessment chart

Tom’s Planner for Timelines 

Most people use timelines as a simple planning tool, which is only a tiny fraction of the asset’s full potential.  You can use a timeline to propel your sales process forward by customizing the schedule to fit your prospect’s challenges and desires.  Add in key milestones at the beginning and end that reflect your prospect’s biggest priorities.  Is your buyer most concerned about ROI?  Then create a “Comprehensive ROI Consultation” at the outset.  Your prospect will assume this is part of your normal process.  Next, use the agreed dates to create urgency and get a “yes” sooner rather than later.

Tom’s Planner is the most intuitive and visually appealing timeline creator I’ve used.  It sure beats the hell out of Word or Excel.

Tom's Planner

tom's planner screenshot

This is a great app for automating meeting preparation.   I like tools like this, where all you have to do is set them up and forget about them.   Charlie syncs your contacts, and before a calendar appointment it shoots you a simple one-page email about whomever your meeting.  I might be mistaken, but I think it’s using AI to produce a textual story about your peer, which is pretty cool.

Charlie App screenshot

When your prospects and customers win a new round of funding, acquire a company, release a product, or drop a big press release, you should probably find out right, right?  Newsle gives you this knowledge by telling you whenever your contacts are in the news.  When big things happen, extending a simple “congrats” usually works wonders.

newsle screenshot

Standing Desk
Making the choice to stand up for a portion of your day is a small action that will bring you massive health and sales improvements.  Sitting all day is bad for you because your body stops metabolizing.  Although standing doesn’t necessarily equal activity on its own, it certainly encourages movement throughout your day.

When it comes to sales, an authoritative posture will both give off and instill confidence.  And an open diaphragm will help you better project your voice.

Here is a great standing desk I used for years.  Consider using it in conjunction with a corrective mat (here is my favorite) to reduce strain on your feet and calves.

safco standing desk

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Dan EnglanderB2B Sales Resources.