David Wachs – The Power of the Handwritten Letter
Dan Englander
David Wachs – The Power of the Handwritten Letter
Dan Englander

A serial entrepreneur, David Wachs’ latest venture, Handwrytten, is bringing back the lost art of letter writing through scalable, robot-based solutions that write your notes in pen. Developed as a platform, Handwrytten lets you send notes from your CRM system, such as Salesforce, the web site, apps, or through custom integration. Used by major meal boxes, eCommerce giants, nonprofits and professionals, Handwrytten is changing the way brands and people connect. Prior to starting Handwrytten, David founded Cellit, a leading mobile marketing agency, which he sold to HelloWorld in 2012.

Some things we covered:

  • How to use handwritten letters to break through the noise.
  • Systems for re-engaging prospects with letter-writing.
  • Compelling and under-appreciated direct mail use cases.


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