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Chapter 1
Lead Generation Goals Spreadsheet
Cold Email Template
Lead Generation Freelancer Blueprint
Job Post Template
We seek lead generation specialists for building a list of [###]targeted leads. Our offering is [WHAT YOU DO].Our goal is to win phone appointments with well-targeted leads, and eventually sales. Success will be measured on the relevance of the leads, and the conversion rate (the rate at which leads agree to an appointment).Applicants must have excellent research skills, including the ability to track down email addresses.ENGLISH FLUENCY is required. After this assignment, applicants will be writing and editing email templates.This is for a one-week, [10-hour] test assignment. If it goes well, we will be able t o h i r e o n a n o n g o i n g b a s i s a t [1 0 h o u r s ] pe r w e e k .F a m i l i a r i t y w i t h [ Y O U R I N D U S T R Y ] i s a m a j o r p l u s .
If you wish to apply, please answer the following questions: -Please describe yourself-What is your proposed rate of pay?- W h a t i s y o u r e x p e r i e n c e w i t h [Y O U R I N D U S T R Y ] ?-What hours are you generally available?-Tell us about a recent project you completed.-Please correct the following sentence and place it at the top of your application: I is excite apply to position this because I am lead generation expert.-Attach a copy of a recent internet speed test-Lastly, why should we hire you? Here’s a chance to sell yourself a bit! We’re excited to review your application!-Lastly, why should we hire you? Here’s a chance to sell yourself a bit! We’re excited to review your application!
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Unresponsiveness Template
Hi [Prospect],You’re probably quite busy, or somehow my last email didn’t reach you, so I thought I’d reach out again and check in as to where we are with the project.I’m sure you realize that I’m being professionally persistent, but if you are not interested or things have changed, I would appreciate you letting me know so we can determine what the next best step should be.Look forward to your thoughts. Best,[You]
Chapter 4
(see The Conversation Blueprint above)
Chapter 5
Competitive Assessment Chart (sample)
The B2B Sales Blueprint Resources